Saturday, May 26, 2012

Op Amp Application

One of the use of op-amps is to used in scaling and level-shifting application

In this experiment, we will use AS35 , which is an electronic temperature sensor that will  produce output voltage that is proportional to the temperature around it to a scale factor of 10mV/degree C. The device only operate at 4-20V and an external resistor to provide an appropriate load.

First, we will verify that the AS35 work. By making the circuit on the breadboard we were able to obtain the temperature of the room is around 22.8 degree C (Vc=0.228V)

We want to convert the temeprature in degree Celsius to Fahrenheit by using the equation
which means we want to scaled the voltage with a factor of 1.8 then shift upword with 320mV

by puting the terms into voltage, we obtain
where Vref is 320mV

by using the nodal anlysis at the inverting and non-inverting output we obtain two equations

we can solve the variable R2 and R1 by choosing R1 to be 1Mohm
thus, R2 will be 0.812Mohm

One thing we need to make sure is output current need to be small. That is the reason why we choose big value of resistor

After device the circuit

and we measure the output voltage
which is  0.711V
By assuming the Vc is exact, we can compute the theoretical value of degree Fahrenheit

Theoretical Value of Tf = (1.8*0.228+0.32)*100=73.04 degree Fahrenheit
% error = (73.04-71.1)/73.04*100% = 2.66%
which is extremely small

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